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A Day in My Life as the Journalist Next Door – Monday, 14 October, 2024

The morning began like any other in Akure, but for me, it was a whirlwind from the moment my boss stepped into the office. I barely had time to settle in after the Morning Prayer, let alone grab breakfast. Just as I was organizing my thoughts for the day, he calls me into his office. "I need you to cover the opening ceremony of a training programme. It starts at 10; I mean 10 for 10" he said, urgency in his voice. I was taken aback. What programme might this be I wondered but there was no answer. This wasn’t on my agenda, but I knew better than to hesitate. So immediately I consented. In quick strides, I gathered my notepad, pen, and personal effects, making a mental checklist of everything I needed and dashed to gather my team. As I dashed out the door, I could feel the familiar excitement of an unexpected assignment coursing through me. The air was thick with humidity, and I knew rain was on the way in accordance with the predictions of the weather forecast. Upon arriving
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