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Man Marries Dead Girlfriend

Please let me ask, where does a man marry a dead woman? U know I have actually been away in d desert on field work (thats what we researchers do). To my greatest amazement, i returned to find that a man, full fledged Nigerian (in the part of the country that begins with E) was made to marry his pregnant, dead girlfriend. The issue i gathered is that the parents of both the man and the lady loathed the relationship and asked them to stay away from each other. Little did the parents know that the lady had moved in with the man and gotten pregnant. Her father decried the whole idea when he heard of the pregnancy. Days ran into weeks and weeks to months. Before they knew it, she went into labour. She was taken to the hospital and she and the baby died. Trouble began. The man went to the lady's family to report her death and he was sent out of the compound by her very angry father who vehemently repeated that he didn't marry her off to the man. A series of pleading began and after days, the lady's father got his calm and asked that the lady be married in death according to tradition. He had no choice. He did amidst tears, bought all the required items and the ceremony was done. Meanwhile, the man's father was also angry with his son for his disobedience. He forbade his son from burying the corpse in his compound, saying it was a stranger's. The man, the corpse and its entourage were chased out of the compound with a cutlass by his father. No sooner, he left with the corpse to the lady's father's compound and was refused access, saying that a woman is not buried in her father's house after she had been married. The man was broken and returned to the city. He was advised by his friend in the city to bury her in the cemetery, but her ghost wont accept that as it kept appearing and warning him against the idea ( don't ask me to explain that o. E fit be him imagination, i don't know). To cut the long story short, he had to return to his village and beg his father for mercy in order not to lose his life in the process. He was indeed granted pardon and she was buried on one of his father's farm lands. My question is what sense does all this make? Don't get me wrong, am not encouraging taking a woman without her parent's consent but can marrying a dead woman return her life or pride?


  1. Hmmmmm!my sis it's barbic and dis heartening!!!!i feel for him!!


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