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Showing posts from May, 2017

Journal of the journalist next door

...was too tired to share last night I just plunged in my bed and in no time I was asleep. I had a pretty early the kids ready and dropped them off at school. People had started settling in to work when I arrived to the news of one of my favourite's redeployment from my Unit. Really, it took me time to accept it and guess what, it affected my mood instantly, so much that my colleagues began to ask me what was wrong but I couldn't furnish them with answers as the establishment's management had the right to deploy and redeploy anyone at anytime and to any So I worked hard at looking bright, had a soft make over and began chatting people up. I had been selected on the team to receive the Resource Verification Team from the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria and yes it was good timing so I ran off. The stairs to the Chief Executive's office no be here o. So we climbed amidst lamentations. Arrived the venue of the first meeting panting. Waited to...

Journal of the journalist next door

OK, so seriously i have been on my toes since I ran off. Didn't remember to mention there was an inaugural lecture in the offing, you know the one now? The one where a professor gives his official presentation and contribution to knowledge from earlier and ongoing research abi?...good, that one. So I was billed to cover the lecture alongside my colleagues and as usual was scheduled to attend to members of the fourth estate of the realm from outside my establishment. Hmmm, na so o. Off I went and out into the Unit's shuttle vehicle like a lightening bolt as I was running behind time. In Nigerian term, sharply I was there and began putting my "house" in order as time ticked away quickly. Suddenly, from my well  positioned corner my boss flags me and its few minutes to when the procession makes its way in. I rush up and he calls me by my first name...when he does that he wants something he believes in me for. So I knew at once I had to deliver on this one. The thing is t...

Journal of the journalist next door

Giggling and swiveling in my chair...Ok, so we resumed work officially today, exactly 6 months 3 days after a heated industrial action at my establishment. Don't get it twisted o, I have been on essential duty so I have been going to work in an IDP camp, lol, if you know what I mean. Approaching the office was a huge scare only for one reason...the junk factor. The office had over the months become a den of insects and  a dung of dust and greeted us with suffocation. The environmental exercise began, sweeping, dusting, packing, fitting and replacing items that had been taken to our temporal work place. Had been standing and hanging around just before the prayer session began...! Oops, duty back

Inspiring Working Women host #NoodlesForAFamily

Join @inspiringworkingwomen on the 24th of June as we give out 1,000 cartons of noodles to the needy. You can donate boxes of Noodles to support the cause but we enjoin you DO IT YOURSELF. Light the candle of a hopeless hungry family near you with just one carton of noodles. Any brand is fine. Just do it!!! #NoodlesForAFamily #IWW #InspiringWorkingWomen # FeedTheHungry

Beginning of the journal of the journalist next door

Its my first day at work after a week of rest or do I say recovery. Trust me I was completely defenceless before the flu that had me through the previous week and I get to the office and people are either steering at me or asking me what I brought back from my trip. Really? Its only in this part of the world that people don't bother about other people's welfare. Let me take u down a little bit of history so you'll understand where am coming from. We are 15 permanent personnel and 3 interns, a total of 18 in my office. Only 2 sort me and called or visited while I was away. Lesson: humans fail but God doesn't/won't. So, I enter the office and the rants heighten. Some of where have you been, others of what did you bring, only my boss' tone differed. It was one of how are you now? Well rested? Fully recovered? I was grateful for that. So as the voices continued to sting my already flu affected head I almost lost my cool and began explaining how unkind they had been ...