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CLASSIC WORK ORDEAL WRAPS... from whence i was saying, the template for publication, remember? Funmi walks into the office this beautifully bright Monday morning, all ecstatic and in high spirit (she seems to have put behind her the activities of the past week over the weekend). Just when she is trying to settle in, another tasking, time bound assignment is thrown her way with expectation of immediate response. She swings into action and begins to put together yet another article to be published. The office is so tensed with the inflow of clients and voices everywhere(picture a typical media outfit with everyone talking at almost the same time)so Funmi is confused and losses concentration. Her heart races as time is no more. Then she is reminded that the publication to house the article is already being mass produced and the article is yet unwritten. Funmi races to stop the production, only to be told that the article meant for the first page of the eight-page publication could not be accommodated on the said page as production had gone past the first page of the publication. A disturbed Funmi was taken aback and sort to get the article into the publication at all cost so she began campaigning for the second, third and fourth pages up till the seventh in which the article was finally accommodated and production was concluded. Still in a state of dilemma, Funmi settles at her desk in awe and tries to fathom what had just befallen her, then she suddenly recalls the event of the past week and springs out of her seat, reaching for the newspaper that was expected to publish the article from the past week. She is seen searching frantically through the pages of the newspaper to see if the article got published (everyone around stares in shock). Wow! Lucky her, there it is on a full page spread. Hmmmmn! All tension eases as she takes an early morning break. lol


  1. we should name this funmi's story... ''scattered funmi'', wetin she bin dey think sef? if i knw her i for yab am straight away, i am enjoying the write up's... u r too gbaski..


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