In the heart of Lagos, seven middle-aged women, jolly good friends from a certain Estate united for a fun night. Life had taken them down varied paths—corporate managers, homemakers and entrepreneurs—but they held their bond fiercely. This time, they were together to celebrate Adanna’s 50th birthday (fictional name and age, but true story). A club night had been the unanimous choice, something to bring back the zest of their younger days. Days of planning went into this night, with contributions pulled from spouses and mutual friends. When the funds were gathered, they decided they could afford one of the biggest clubs in Lagos but had to be thrifty on the actual spending. The choice was made: they’d secure a cabana, order bottles of wine, some plates of spicy chicken suya, and some bottled water. The grandeur was set, and for that night, they would be "big girls" in Lagos. What they didn’t know however was that their thoughts were mere dreams of what was to be and not th...
catch ups and more...