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Showing posts from September, 2024
The Power of Strategic Communication in Nigeria: A Subtle Shift... Imagine this: You wake up one morning to find that your phone is buzzing with alerts from Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp. A story is spreading like wildfire—something about a new policy, an upcoming election, or perhaps, a health scare. The details are unclear, the sources uncertain. But before you even have time to check the facts, your friends and family are discussing it, sharing it, reacting to it. This is the reality we face today in Nigeria. Our digital world moves faster than ever, and information—both true and false—travels at lightning speed. In a country with over 100 million internet users, communication has become more than just sending a message; it’s now a powerful tool capable of shaping public opinion and, in some cases, influencing decisions at the highest levels. Take the COVID-19 pandemic as an example. When the virus first hit, there was a flood of information—some of it helpful, some of i
THE JOURNALIST NEXT DOOR IS BACK! Seven years. Seven years of growth, discovery, and invaluable experience. Now, the wait is over. It’s time to announce my return to blogging, with a renewed passion and perspective. This journey has been anything but ordinary—stepping back has allowed me to dive deeper into the intricate world of communications and protocol, honing skills that I’m eager to share with you all once again. From corporate communications to crisis management, the landscape has evolved—and so have I. Welcome back to “Journalist Next Door,” a space where stories come alive through the lens of my 15-year career in media relations, public relations, and content creation. This blog will once again serve as a window into the world of strategic communications, where the balance of words and actions can make or break reputations, relationships, and industries. Join me as I explore the fine art of professional storytelling, dissect the nuances of effective communication in